Sifa Bible Institute

Sifa Bible Institute incubates transformational ministers, leaders and institutions for effectiveness in bringing about lasting change to Africa. We work as a Kenyan religious school to educate and train, examine, certify, commission, credential, ordain, signpost and enable people as individuals or groups to become agents of lasting change in Africa from a biblical foundation. We are a free tuition facility run by professional volunteers committed to help rural and peri-urban clergy and their teams in Africa to realize the global Education for All (EFA) commitment and Sustainable Development Goals from a missiological approach. Our students pay an annual application fee and monthly examination fees only. Our courses are available online or through our growing network of both extension and satellite campuses.  



The uniqueness of Sifa Bible Institute is its Sifa Model. This is a missions management tool developed by Rev.Edward Odhiambo Nyamde for his master's degree in missions (Social Entrepreneurship in Missional Contexts) and Doctor of Philosophy in Missions (Organization Development in Missional Contexts) both of which required a Senior Project instead of both a thesis and a dissertation. 

Sifa Model prescribes the nature of missions, the role of missions and the strategy for a sustainable rural and peri-urban missions enterprise. The student discovers and applies the 21 Good Practices that underpin the three areas of missions above. 

Our courses in the Pamoja Program, Stepping Stones Program and I-LED Program helps the student to participate in the Sifa Model as an implementer of the model in the context of a local church and its host community. This way, we help to facilitate local church growth and development. The three programs are available both online and through our network of Extension and Satellite Campuses. 

The Keystone Program offers our Bachelor's degree and Post Graduate Diploma Courses. These are the equivalent of our fourth year and fifth year coursework respectively. The student is helped to develop basic leadership skills suitable for organizing and leading a group of churches and their host communities into missions. Traditionally, this is the work of a Diocesan Bishop in the church. The student combines planning skills at the Bachelor's degree and sustainability skills at the Post Graduate Diploma Course level. 

The Trail-Blazer's Network Program covers our Master's Degree class. This is a two-year study program that prepares the student for Transformational Leadership and Management (TL&M) using the Sifa Model. This way, the graduate is able to initiate, manage and develop a Missional Organization or re-engineer and existing organization for sustainable effectiveness in the context of a people-group (nation-centred missions), or an issue (thematic missions) or state (state-based missions that focuses on a political boundary like a country, groups of countries or other administrative organs within a country's administrative structure).

Touchstone Leadership Program is our Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) study level composed of three years of study. The program focuses on the Monitoring, Evaluation and Sustainability of an effective missions enterprise. It prepares the student to establish support systems for Missional Organizations to enhance their growth and development as independent entities. 

We also run non-academic outreaches through our respective Program Boards in the context of Refresher Courses and Continuous Professional Development courses as below:

a. MOBILE TRAINING PROGRAM is run by the joint boards of our Pamoja, Stepping Stones and I-LED Programs. The program runs seminars and short courses based on the IMPACTS strategy to help Christians in a geographical area to become fulfilled and self-reliant believers working under their pastors to transform their communities. 

b. BISHOP'S COLLEGE is run by our Trail-Blazer's Network and Touchstone Leadership Programs Boards and target Overseers, Bishops and such other leaders of leaders in the local churches. It runs seminars and Continuous Professional Development courses to help them become transformational leaders and managers of missions through their registered agencies. It also partners with them for capacity building as a long term strategy for their growth and development. 

c. JESUS MARCH CAMPAIGNS targets Christian Professionals as a ministry of the joint boards of Sifa Bible Institute. All of our Board members work together to help professionals to find their place in both local church and community development as Missional Agents. The program is intended to build the capacity of professionals as co-workers with the clergy in local community missions work. 



Sifa Bible Institute

Annoiinted to Serve (Isaiah 61, Acts 10:38)


Grace Hour Enterprises mandates Sifa Bible Institute as its missions mobilization division and trade name to inform communities on sustainable biblical transformation, educate multipliers as agents of grassroot change in Africa and communicate with influencers as enablers of grassroot change through the Sifa Model. 


To be a broad-based collaboration of curriculum developers, missions mentors and biblical educators united in the bonds of peace in Christ Jesus to strategically facilitate the sustainable capacity building of rural and peri-urban ministers, leaders and institutions by way of intercession, medical missions, preaching, agribusiness development, counseling, training and savings/credit (IMPACTS). 


We envisage an African clergy -minister, leader and institution - with strong biblical values that enable it to make informed choices and to both initiate and manage change as a process while living in peaceful coexistence as a global citizen. 


To be a catalyst of Africa's transformational and sustainable growth and development by helping to develop ministers, leaders and institutions who are able to use genuine biblical knowledge, values and tenets to influence education, family, arts, media, religion, governance and business as Africa's protocratic spheres. 


Transformational Christian Leadership.


As a Division of Grace Hour Enterprises, we ascribe to its values below: Ethical Business, Social Innovation, Customer Satisfaction, Total Quality Assurance, Team-work, Partnerships and Passion. 


As a Division of Grace Hour Enterprises, we adopt its enterprise strategy in respect of which we:

a. Organize our clients as students within our programs of study into small groups of common interest whether online or in-campus in our extension and satellite campuses.

b. Promote to our clients in their small groups a clearly defined missional vision based on the sifa model.

c. Promote to our students  social innovations that tackle local poverty in a sustainable manner within the programs of study.

d. Build up a pro-active entrepreneurial behaviour in our students to enhance missional stewardship.

e. Leverage to each student through their senior project and related work a sustainable access to impact and equity financing. 

f. Help our students to minimise missional risks in a sustainable manner using the sifa model.

g. Commit with each student to ensure sound environmental stewardship in the context of Uhai Eco-cultural model. 


Sifa Bible Institute runs nine study programs covering a bridging certificate (Pamoja Program) to  doctoral degree as follows:

a. Pamoja Program as a bridging course for students seeking to study our courses but who missed the opportunity to sit for secondary school exams. 

b. Stepping Stones Program as a Vocational Training Opportunity to both prepare people seeking to do the work of ministry in a local church and its host community and those with a mean grade of an equivalent of a D-minus at Secondary school, a mean grade of a D-plain and a D-plus enrolling at Artisan Certificate, Craft Certificate and Advanced Certificate respectively. 

c. I-LED Program for those seeking to do the work of leadership in the sacerdotal and fiduciary contexts in a local church and its host community. It prepares the student for ordination through its multiple qualifications. It also offers an opportunity for a student with a mean grade below a B-minus at Secondary school. 

d. Keystone Program is a partnership between Sifa Bible Institute and like-minded universities to provide both Bachelor's Degrees and Post Graduate Diplomas in such courses as the Board of Trustees and relevant state agencies in Kenya shall from time to time approve. 

e. Trail-Blazer's Network offers a two year master's degree in such courses as the Board of Trustees and relevant state agencies shall from time to time approve. The program adopts a Senior Project approach to help each student to graduate as a pioneer of a Missional engagement. 

f. Touchstone Leadership Program offers a three year Doctor of Philosophy courses in such courses as the Board of Trustees and relevant state agencies shall from time to time approve. It prepares transformational leaders and managers who are able to initiate and bring about lasting change in Africa. 

g. Mobile Training Program, Bishop's College and Jesus March Campaign are mobile short courses and seminars that are also available online as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS). These are run by our Board of Trustees, Program Boards and students. 

Much of Sifa Bible Institute courses are available online due to our decision to be a virtual university based on the traditional Theological Education by Extension (TEE) plan. 

Our administrative office is located in Onyinjo Village, Pala Wainde near Ndhiwa Town in Homa Bay County, Kenya. 

Business Hours


8.00 am -4pm



